Universitas Esa Unggul student wins Young Furniture Designer Award 2024
Esaunggul.ac.id – Universitas Esa Unggul students have made another proud achievement. Shinta Maharani, a student of the Interior Design Study Program, Faculty of Creative Industry Design, won the Young Furniture Designer Award (AYFDA) 2024 in a series of activities of the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) of the Indonesian Furniture and Craft Association (ASMINDO) in 2025.
This prestigious event was held at Ballroom 2, 12th Floor, South78, Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard Blok O, on February 7, 2025. Shinta, who was accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industry Design, Dr. Indra Gunara Pochyat, S.Sn., Ma, MA, M.Ds., managed to make an achievement with her innovative work, namely the “Matari Chair”, a stool design that carries the concept of ergonomics and modern aesthetics.
In the AYFDA 2024 event, Shinta competed with various students from various universities in Indonesia and managed to enter the top 10 best finalists before finally being named one of the winners. Her victory in this event is proof of the quality of Universitas Esa Unggul students in creating innovative and functional furniture designs.
“I am very grateful and proud to win this award. Thank you to Universitas Esa Unggul, lecturers, and friends who have supported me during the ‘Matari Chair’ design process. Hopefully this achievement can be a motivation for other design students to continue working,” said Shinta Maharani.
The Dean of FDIK in his presentation explained that, the achievement achieved by Shinta Maharani in the Young Furniture Designer Award (AYFDA) 2024 is clear evidence that Universitas Esa Unggul students are able to compete at the national level with extraordinary creativity and innovation. This success not only makes the Faculty of Creative Industry Design proud, but also inspires other students to continue working and developing their potential in the design industry. We hope this achievement can be the first step for Shinta and other students to achieve higher achievements in the international arena.
Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma A.P., ST, MBA, IPU, ASEAN Eng, as the Rector of Universitas Esa Unggul, added “This award is not only a pride for Shinta and the Faculty of Creative Industry Design, but also a motivation for all students to continue to work and contribute to the world of creative industries. Universitas Esa Unggul will continue to support and encourage the birth of superior talents who are ready to compete at the national and international levels”.
Shinta’s success in this competition further strengthens the Faculty of Creative Industry Design at Universitas Esa Unggul as an institution that is committed to producing talented young designers who are ready to compete at the national and international levels.
Universitas Esa Unggul: World Class University
Universitas Esa Unggul has been accredited as superior based on BAN PT Decree: 2041/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/PT/XI/2024. This university also achieved rankings:
✅ 14 Best PTS in Jakarta
✅ 43 Best PTS in Indonesia
✅ 86 Best National PTN & PTS (Based on Webometrics)
With the support of Arizona State University (ASU) and Cintana Alliance, Universitas Esa Unggul continues to strive to realize its vision as an international standard university and provide quality education for students throughout Indonesia.